• Parking
    There is no parking available at the hotel.
  • Check-in and check-out times
    As a rule, check-in time is 14: 00 and check-out time is 11: 00.
    It may differ depending on the accommodation plan, so please check each accommodation plan.
    We accept luggage storage.
  • Can I leave my luggage?
    We can keep your luggage before check-in and after check-out.
    Please feel free to ask.
  • When does the cancellation fee start?
    The cancellation fee is as follows.
    ■The day before your stay: 20%
    ■On the day of stay: 80%
    ■Cancelled without notice: 100%
    There will be no cancellation fee if you cancel within the previous number of days.
    *It may vary depending on the accommodation plan.
    *It's a percentage of the room rate.
    *For reservations of 15 people or more, please contact us for details.
  • How to use Wi-Fi
    Free Wi-Fi connection service is available in the guest rooms.
    Please use your smartphone, tablet, or PC equipped with wireless LAN.
    Please note that the connection settings must be set by the customer.
    Please note that you are responsible for your own connection settings.
  • Information about nearby convenience stores
    There is "Family Mart Koraku" about 4 minutes' walk from our hotel.
    If you come from Iidabashi, we recommend you to stop by on the way.
    ”Family Mart Koraku”
    2 -3 -25 Kaneko Building, Koraku, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo

    If you are coming from Suidobashi West Exit, this is the closest one.
    "Family Mart Misakicho 3-chome"
    3-6 -9 Misakicho, Chiyoda-ward, Tokyo
  • Is there a hairdryer in the room?
    All rooms are equipped with a hair dryer.
  • Is there a blanket in the room?
    Yes. Blankets are available for rent (first-come-first-served basis).
  • Can I borrow multiple room keys?
    I'm sorry.
    There is only one room key per room, regardless of the number of guests.
  • Is there a bicycle parking lot? Please tell me the bicycle parking fee.
    We don't have a bicycle parking lot.
  • Are there any parks or gardens nearby?
    Yes. Koishikawa Korakuen Garden is about 1 minute walk from our hotel.
    Koishikawa Korakuen Garden was built in the early Edo period in Kanei 6 (1629) by Yorifusa, the founder of the Mito Tokugawa family, as a garden of the Edo residence, and was completed in the time of Mitsukuni, the second lord of the domain.
    By all means, please stop by.

    ■Koishikawa Korakuen Garden
    Address: 1 -6 -6 Koraku, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
    Admission: 300 yen for adults, 150 yen for children (tax included), free for children under elementary school age
  • What is the view from the room?
    You can see Tokyo Dome and Koishikawa Korakuen from your room.
    *Please note that there are rooms where you can't enjoy the view. Thank you for your understanding.【delete】
  • Do you have a conference room?
    There is a conference room on the basement floor.
    For reservations or queries, please click here.
  • Is there a microwave available for hotel guests to use?
    One microwave (for heating food) is installed on the 8th Floor.
  • Do you have chargers for mobile phones and smartphones?
    We offer free rental service.
    Please contact the front desk (Extension 7).
    Please note that the number is limited.
  • Is there a smoking room?
    All rooms are non-smoking.
    Please use the smoking area (eighth floor) in the building.
  • What amenities do you have?
    The following amenities are available.
    ■bath towel
    ■shampoo and conditioner
    ■body soap
    ■cotton swab
  • Is there a curfew?
    There is no curfew in particular.
  • Is there a coin-operated laundry?
    Yes. There is a coin-operated laundry on the 6th floor.
    ■Washing machine: 1 time 200 yen,
    ■Dryer: 100 yen/30 minutes
    ■Detergent: 100 yen/1 use (It is sold at the front desk.)